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Bouquet Biewers
About Us
Hello and thank you for visiting our page! We are happy you are here and we hope you enjoy browsing through our pictures and getting to know us and our story. We have been hard at work for the past 3 years to make this dream come true.
Violet Blue
Meet Violet! She is our very first Biewer Terrier. She came from Fort Collins, Colorado and is now over 2 years old. She is quiet in nature, very sweet, loves to cuddle and never met a belly rub she didn't like. This girl has stolen our hearts!
Registered CKC
Indigo Blue
Indy is our second Biewer Terrier that joined our family last year in October. When I first saw Indy's baby picture and looked at his birth date, I knew he was meant for ME as we share the same birthday! This sweet boy never lets me out of his sight, a true companion he really is! Very energetic, playful and loving and always has a toy close by...just incase anyone is in the mood to play!
Registered RKF, AKC, UKC, IABCA
Daisy Blue
Daisy joined our growing Biewer family last year in February and she has been such a fun addition. Her eyes are always smiling and her personality is very comical, super friendly and always available for hugs and snuggles. She's doing great in conformation classes and we are all looking forward to the future with her and what it will bring in and out of the show ring.
Registered RKF, AKC, UKC, IABCA
Foxglove Blue
We just call him 'Fox" or as I like to refer to him 'Foxy Baby'! This little guy arrived in May as a surprise from my husband and since that day he has let us know that he now owns the place. An immense amount of confidence this little guy has and never short on kisses. He is very inquisitive and always needs to know what is going on.
Registered UKU, AKC, UKC,
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